Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

Why do I have to wear a hat? And in the House?
I think it's just cause Foster Mom says I look so "cute" with it on.

Hi everyone. I know it's been a long time since Foster Mom and I checked in, but we promise toget back on track in the New Year...which starts at MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. I don't really understand what the big deal is, but humans semm to think it's imprtant.

I can sit like this for a really long time. Foster Mom says I must be part meerkat.
I hope that's nothing like a real cat!!!

Hope everyone had a really great Christmas. We all did. Lots of neat toys and treats for presents, and lots of goodies. Mom says we all have to go on a diet right after New Year's. That doesn't sound like much fun, and New Years  is tonight, so it's not far away.

On the couch with some of my Christmas toys. 

I think we're havng turkey tomorrow. We had A Christmas Goose ( and ham and lots of other good stuff to eat, yum, yum , last week. One last splurge before we DIET!

Hope everyone has a fun time tonight, and we'll see you Next Year!!!

If you would like to know how to adopt me, please visit my
Loyal Rescue's PetFinder Adoption Page or my page at Adopt A Pet